Data Privacy at DigiEyez

Data Privacy at DigiEyez


DigiEyez mission is to keep you safe in the emergency situations and informed.

At Cybertech Security Systems (as in the company that operates the DigiEyez mobile app and, our stance is that we will only use and share your data for the limited purposes described in this privacy policy. We do not and will not serve advertisements in the app.


DigiEyez Privacy Practices


Our principles for protecting your data


We record the information we need to provide our services: Informing you of incidents & crime happening around you, and helping you get emergency assistance when you’re in need.  


The personal information we do collect we store for as short a duration as possible. And, where possible, we store only de-identified or aggregate data that is not tied to you.


We generally limit access to your data to a subset of the engineering team. We have specific systems to control data access, and all access is logged and regularly audited.


We take protecting your location data seriously. We need accurate real-time location data to alert you of any emergencies and to help you get emergency assistance, but we lower the resolution of historical location data where possible.


We test the stability and security of our infrastructure, including annual penetration testing and review of our security systems and their configuration. We use an information security firm to provide these services under a strict non-disclosure agreement. 


Our services are designed to provide real-time notifications of incidents occurring near you, and to help you get assistance in the case of an emergency. We can only provide those services in certain areas, so if you are located outside of one of those areas, the services may not work for you. We only provide our service in the Ghana & United States and some Africans countries.


Public data


Content visible to any other user on the DigiEyez platform is considered public data (for example, first responders and laws enforcement service response comments). You don’t have control over public data on DigiEyez tied to your account, Furthermore, you cannot delete your account from the app email us at to request to delete your account or Uninstaller the app completely from your device and to our system.


Categories of Information Collected


Content not publicly accessible to other users on the platform is considered private data:


Contact information: We use your email address and phone number to set up and validate your user account and to prevent abuse of the platform. If another DigiEyez user shares their contacts with us, and you are one of those contacts, we may recommend you as a friend connection to them.

We may collect your name if you send friend requests or if you subscribe to DigiEyez Protect.

We may also send you an email about DigiEyez – you can choose to opt out of any marketing emails by following the instructions at the bottom of the email, but we may still send you some important emails, such as to respond to a question, feedback, or request you send us.


Payment information: We may request your payment card & Mobile Wallets details and banking details if you subscribe to Protect or future paid features of the app.


Audio and video feed: If you use DigiEyez Protect, you may share an audio and video feed from your device with your Protect Agents and emergency contacts when you’re feeling unsafe.  We may record your audio and video conversations and physical likeness for quality assurance and legal purposes.


User locations: We use your geolocation data to send you safety notifications for incidents reported near you, share your locations with friends you are connected to on the platform, and to provide and improve our Services.

If you sign up for Protect, we use your geolocation data to assist you and may in some cases share your geolocation data with your emergency contacts, Protect Agents, and first responders.

You choose whether to share your location and can always revoke DigiEyez’ access to your location data in your device settings, but the app will not properly function if the app can’t access location data.


User activity: We aggregate user activity data (like how you interact with DigiEyez, what times you use DigiEyez, what kind of device you have, etc.) for analysis to improve DigiEyez user experience. 


User contacts: You can choose to share your contacts with us to connect with them through the app, so we can suggest others as a connection to you, to inform your family and friends of incidents near you and/or to invite family and friends to your subscription plan or designate them as emergency contacts. We may notify you about other relevant activities your contacts take on DigiEyez.

Just as you can provide contact information about other users, they may share your information with us for the same purposes.


Content you capture through DigiEyez: If you use DigiEyez to capture a video or other content you wish to make publicly available, we collect and store that content and additional information about the content and device you used (like the metadata associated with the content, unique device identifier, wireless network, etc.).


Cookies: Like many online services, DigiEyez uses cookies to collect information on its website. We may use both session cookies (which expire once you close your web browser) and persistent cookies (which stay on your computer until you delete them) to tailor your experience with DigiEyez and advertise DigiEyez on third-party websites and apps. We also work with Facebook and Google ads integrations. These integrations allow us to track the efficacy of our own advertising campaigns across the web. We do not use these integrations to provide any manner of advertising on the platform.


How we share your information


We may share your data with service providers, such as:


Twilio & Agora: Twilio & Agora allows us to send you an SMS message to validate your account, or to enable you to invite your contacts to the platform.

If you’re a Protect user, Twilio & Agora allows Protect Agents to connect with you by phone, SMS message, or video while using Protect.  


Google Cloud Services: We use Google to host our infrastructure.


We may share videos posted publicly on the DigiEyez platform with news outlets in select circumstances.

If you decide to provide us with your phone number and/or contact list, we may share some of your personal information, including your use of the DigiEyez app, with others to invite them to connect with you in the app or to suggest you as a connection to other users.

If you use DigiEyez Protest’s, Get Agent feature, we may share some of your personal information with first responders and your emergency contacts in the event that you are experiencing an emergency and request assistance. 

We may share personal information (a) with law enforcement as we’ve explained in the Information for Law Enforcement Authorities, (b) as otherwise required by law, (c) to enforce the terms and conditions that govern the platform and protection our rights, (d) and protect, investigate, and deter against fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical, or illegal activity.


How long we retain your data


We retain personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law, or an individual requests that we delete information about them.


How we protect your data


DigiEyez uses reasonable organizational, technical, and administrative measures designed to protect against unauthorized access, misuse, loss, disclosure, alteration, and destruction of personal information we maintain. Unfortunately, data transmission over the Internet cannot be guaranteed as completely secure. Therefore, while DigiEyez strives to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of personal information. In the event that Cybertech Security Systems is required to notify you about a situation involving your data, we may do so by email or telephone to the extent permitted by law.


What choices you have regarding your data


You can make the following choices regarding your personal information:


Cookies. If you decide at any time that you no longer wish to accept cookies from DigiEyez for any of the purposes described above, then you can instruct your browser, by changing its settings, to stop accepting cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit. Consult your browser’s technical information. If you do not accept cookies, however, you may not be able to use all or portions of DigiEyez or all functionality of DigiEyez. If you have any questions about how to disable or modify cookies, please let Cybertech Security Systems know at the contact information provided below.

+1862-224-0092 (USA) +233552668040 (GH)


Application. You can stop all collection of information by the DigiEyez application by uninstalling the application. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network.


Do-Not-Track. Some web browsers transmit “do not track” signals to the websites and other online services with which your web browser communications. There is currently no standard that governs what, if anything, websites should do when they receive these signals. Cybertech Security Systems  currently does not take action in response to these signals. When a standard is established, Cybertech Security Systems may revise its policy on responding to these signals.


Access or correct your information. You may request to review and update the information DigiEyez maintains about you by submitting a request to


Opting Out of location tracking. If you initially consented to the collection of geo-location information through DigiEyez you can subsequently stop the collection of this information at any time by changing the preferences on your mobile device. Please note, however, that if you withdraw consent to DigiEyez collection of location information, you may no longer be able to use some features of the app.